Home The ellaOne question Video: Do you think there is a stigma around the morning after pill?

Is There a Stigma Around the Morning After Pill?

"ellaOne question" Still from an interview, showing a black haired woman
"ellaOne question" Still from an interview, showing a black haired woman

Did you know that over 50% of people we surveyed last year said they felt embarrassed or awkward about buying emergency contraception?

This is partly down to the outdated stigma which surrounds the morning after pill and the misinformation that comes from a widespread lack of knowledge about it.

The ellaOne team took to the streets to ask people whether they think there is a stigma around the morning after pill. Through asking this question, we realised how many myths and misconceptions about emergency contraception are still floating around.

"ellaOne question" Still from an interview, showing a black haired woman

To help end this stigma, ellaOne is publishing well researched, informative articles about how emergency contraception works and why taking it after a contraceptive failure or unprotected sex is nothing to be ashamed of.

Have you experienced morning after pill stigma? What is the weirdest myth you have heard about emergency contraception?

By sharing our stories, supporting each other and speaking openly about the morning after pill, we can stop women feeling isolated or ashamed by this experience.