Home The ellaOne question Video: What do you remember from your sex education at school?

What do you remember from your sex education at school?

Photograph of a participant in the video. Text says 'ellaOne Question'.
Photograph of a participant in the video. Text says 'ellaOne Question'.

Do you remember your school sex education? Was it cringe, purely biological or did you actually learn a thing or two?

The ellaOne team recently hit the streets to ask people about their experiences with sex education in school. While responses were mixed, a lot of people didn’t feel their sex education went far enough to accurately prepare them for adult relationships.

Was your sex education good, bad or just plain awkward? Let us know on social!

Photograph of a participant in the video. Text says 'ellaOne Question'.
Video: What do you remember from your sex education at school?

Video: What do you remember from your sex education at school?

‘The morning after the night before’ is a lingering taboo, but it shouldn’t be. The morning after is a choice, not a confession. It doesn’t just signal the night before: it welcomes the promise of the day ahead. It’s time to empower women to embrace this conversation. We are breaking the taboo about emergency contraception and encouraging women to come together to normalise this ‘issue’.

No morning after comes without a story: we want to cultivate a sense of community by educating, empowering and encouraging women to embrace their unique experiences.

ellaOne® 30mg film-coated tablet contains ulipristal acetate and is indicated for emergency contraception within 120 hours (5 days) of unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. Always read the label.