Home Features Your Valentine’s Day Stories

Your Valentine's Day Stories

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"Your valentine's day stories"
"Your valentine's day stories"

Love it or loathe it, Valentine’s Day is here again.

Did you know that millennials have more sex on Valentines day than any other time of the year? SKYN condoms surveyed over 3,000 18-to-34-year-olds and 68% said Valentine’s Day is the day they have the most hanky panky.

There is, however, also an increase in pregnancy test sales in March.  This suggests that although you’re having lots of Valentine’s Day sex, it isn’t always safe sex.

We believe that there is nothing sexier than being clued-up on contraception, so don’t forget: if a condom doesn’t make an appearance at your Valentine’s Day date, seeking emergency contraception is wise if you want to avoid a mid-March panic pregnancy test.

We love hearing your stories – especially those about the morning after pill – so we’ve asked the #MyMorningAfter community for their best Valentine’s Day tales and here’s what they had to say…

Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne
Valentines Day story ellaOne

Whether you’re heading out to a candle-lit dinner or staying in for some quality solo time, we at ellaOne wish you a happy Valentine’s Day!

Do you have a morning after story to share? If you feel comfortable doing so, submit your story below and help us end the stigma which still surrounds emergency contraception!