Home #MyMorningAfter stories I just felt quite judged, like I had been slutty to have had sex with no protection

I just felt quite judged, like I had been slutty to have had sex with no protection

Illustrated portrait of a woman.

Written by: Anonymous, 20

I have taken the morning after pill twice – the first time I was around 18 and second time I was 19.
The first time I was embarrassed and nervous to have to ask for it because I was in a queue of people with strangers around me and had to answer all the technical questions they ask you with everyone around. But the second time I was taken to a small room and the woman was so lovely and informative. Plus, the first time cost me £30 pounds and the second was free, and she gave me free condoms.

The first time I was also worried it wouldn’t work or I might get ill. But I got loads of info about it on the second time so I wasn’t worried and I never experienced any side effects. I would probably take it again but because of the hassle I would just try and be safer so I could avoid the morning after pill. I just felt quite judged like I had been slutty to have had sex with no protection and had to use the last resort.