ellaOne® Questionnaire Suitability Checker

You can buy ellaOne® from your local pharmacy without prescription, but they will have a few questions to check first. These questions are just to make sure ellaOne® is the right morning after pill for you.

We understand that you may feel slightly embarrassed, which is why we have created a fast checklist tool to help you be more prepared and at ease when in the pharmacy.

Find out if ellaOne® is likely to be suitable for you before going to your local pharmacy by answering six simple questions.

Enter your answers and then download or print the results to take into the pharmacy to aid your discussion. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

It couldn’t be easier to find out your suitability for ellaOne®.

It couldn't be easier to find out your suitability for ellaOne®
Please select one answer for each question below, then click on 'Reveal Suitability'.
How long ago did you have unprotected sex/contraception failure?
Within the last day (24 hours)
Between 1-3 days (24-72 hours)
Between 3-5 days
More than 5 days
What is your age?
16 and over
Under 16
Could you have been pregnant before this?
Yes / Unsure
Are you breastfeeding?
Are you taking any medication
Do you have any health conditions? e.g liver disease or allergies
Please answer all the questions to proceed.
Thank you. Based on your responses, ellaOne® is likely to be suitable for you. Thank you. Based on your responses, ellaOne® may be suitable for you, but you need to speak to the pharmacist first. Thank you. Because it is more than 5 days since you had unprotected sex, you should see a doctor or go to an NHS Sexual Health Clinic as soon as possible.
Please download or take a screenshot of your responses below to show the pharmacist.
How long ago did you have unprotected sex/contraception failure?
What is your age?
Could you have been pregnant before this?
Are you breastfeeding?
Are you taking any medication
Do you have any health conditions? e.g liver disease or allergies

Please speak to a healthcare professional as soon as possible as emergency contraception is more effective the sooner it is used.

Contains ulipristal acetate. Always read the label!

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